
WELCOME to the Small Book Blog! I am a voracious reader. I love losing myself in books and cannot wait to read myself into my next adventure. It is because of this love for books that I created this blog. I want to share my passion of books with you! I hope you enjoy my recommendations and reviews. My goal is that they will lead you to a new book, series or author, that you can fall in love with and recommend to others as well.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Hello & Happy Fall!

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Hello Dear Readers!

It has been a very long time since I posted but I have an excellent excuse- we had our 2nd child in April and, for those of you familiar with babies know, he just doesn’t feel sorry for me so I can get reading time included in our schedule! HAHA! I am slowly getting some reading time in though and hope to start posting reviews and recommendations soon.

In the meantime, my husband has decided that my beloved collection of books (and yes it is prolific) needs to be moved out of the baby’s room. On one hand, I wonder how empty the room will look (guess I’ll have to start a new collection of books for the kids from baby board books to Classics to Young Adult novels) since they are nestled snuggly in built in shelves. On the other hand, my new job is to imagine and design the bookshelves for my books! I’m in love with some of the ideas percolating in my mind and waiting to see what can actually be created in real life. I am enthusiastically hopping onto Pinterest and IKEA for ideas. Morphing those into something that will work with our Master bedroom space as well as other areas of the house for the inevitable books that just won’t quite fit on the shelves. Heaven knows I couldn’t possibly get rid of them! I might want to re-read a particular one or loan one to a friend. Luckily I have been blessed with a handy and creative husband who, so far, is intrigued by my ideas. Let’s cross our fingers! IKEA is a LONG drive from where I live.

Prior to April I was loving the J.R. Ward Bourbon Kings series. It’s a dynasty story that doesn’t focus on one set of characters for each book, but the author continues the story along as a mini series of sorts and you are brought into the folds of this old family and the saga drama of their lives. While I wait for book three to be released I am trying out Maya Banks’ A KGI Novel: Whispers in the Dark.

I wish everyone happy reading, hoping you get more time to unwind with a book than I do, and enjoy this beautiful fall season.

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