
WELCOME to the Small Book Blog! I am a voracious reader. I love losing myself in books and cannot wait to read myself into my next adventure. It is because of this love for books that I created this blog. I want to share my passion of books with you! I hope you enjoy my recommendations and reviews. My goal is that they will lead you to a new book, series or author, that you can fall in love with and recommend to others as well.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Sarah Beth Durst's The Spellshop

I love The Spellshop!!! It is a delightful fantasy novel. It took me by surprise how much joy and love reading this book gave me. It inspires interest, intrigue, and is somehow the best cozy comfort reading of discovering joy, hard work, and friendship. Unlike most fantasy novels that take you deep into the heart of turmoil, war, overthrowing the monarchies and governments, The Spellshop has the reader leaving the drama as we flee with Kiela (a talented librarian trying to rescue spell books from war and fire) and her trusty friend, Cass (her sentient, talking, and mobile spider plant). They need to start a new life away from the capital and protect the spell books they rescued. What follows is a journey Kiela didn’t know she needed or wanted, but she is such a lovely person, the townsfolk are unconditionally supportive and magic blooms on the remote island of her childhood. She starts out trying to hide away and just fake it until she makes it, but then she is reminded that the good in people shines bright and it’s okay to not be solely independent. We need people, and sometimes, you just need help. It’s okay! Keila blooms on the island as she discovers magic, catalogs her books, sells jam, and visits town where new friendships are blooming.

I was delighted with the almost adult Disney vibe of a strong female lead with her adorable sidekicks helping her along the way- Cass, the spider plant and Meep, the cactus. They are just adorable little creatures racing around and I loved picturing them in my mind. I absolutely recommend this enchanting novel. For those seeking romance, it also has romance, but of the Hallmark variety and just the right amount sprinkled in to make your heart sigh.

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