
WELCOME to the Small Book Blog! I am a voracious reader. I love losing myself in books and cannot wait to read myself into my next adventure. It is because of this love for books that I created this blog. I want to share my passion of books with you! I hope you enjoy my recommendations and reviews. My goal is that they will lead you to a new book, series or author, that you can fall in love with and recommend to others as well.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Sarah A. Parker's When the Moon Hatched

‘“It’s a moon.” He frowns. “Then why a moon?” I cast my gaze forward again, tap-tap-tapping my foot to the soothing tune in my head. “Because they fall.” Even when you don’t want them to.'

I’m in love with this book!!!!! It was like a giant, juicy prequel to all the good, bad, sad, loving and violence that will be coming in the next book. I can’t wait! Given the amount of delicious pages (700ish!!!) we get to leap through I am shocked to say, I have so many more questions. Some were answered during our gentle and magnificent glide through the history and present information we need to know for the ensuing battles to come, but many more remain hidden in the realms and I can’t wait to discover them. 

The characters are kick ass and you want them to be redeemable and real, to cheer on their life or their death, the world is built up beautifully- the taste, smell, heat and frozen places of it, the people and places, it’s all written so wonderfully and vividly. I feel like the author has a room with maps and her created dictionaries of all the people, creatures, lineages, languages that we get at the beginning of the novel, although probably even more comprehensive, and she puts on her cloak, flips up her hood and soaks up the world around her as I have often imagined Tolkien doing during his ramblings. There is even elven language mixed into the dialogue that melts into the story as a Tolkien novel does. 

And the dragons…. As always they are to be cherished and loved. The connection between rider and dragon is different than other fantasy novels I have read. Some reviewers feel the connection is more similar to an Uber, but I think the bewitching is deeper than that. I am in love with the idea that when the dragons lose their person or it's time for their end, they try to fly into the sky and turn into a new moon for people to treasure and look up at. It's such a beautiful picture in my mind with the skies glowing from unique dragon moons. 

Now I’m off to stalk the authors pages and see when book 2 might make its debut.

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