
WELCOME to the Small Book Blog! I am a voracious reader. I love losing myself in books and cannot wait to read myself into my next adventure. It is because of this love for books that I created this blog. I want to share my passion of books with you! I hope you enjoy my recommendations and reviews. My goal is that they will lead you to a new book, series or author, that you can fall in love with and recommend to others as well.

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Rachel Gillig's Two Twisted Crowns

“The girl, the King, and the monster they became.”

Rachel Gillig's Two Twisted Crowns is such a beautiful sequel book and masterful, gothic, ending of this duology! I love that it wasn’t strung out into a trilogy. While we might have wanted more, we didn’t need more and it’s just perfect as it is. Rachel Gillig crafted her author providence card masterfully.

It is with joy and sorrow I finished this book, but I know I will reread it many times in the future. The story, the characters, the rhyming history/story throughout…This is one of those remarkable books/series, I got to the end of and was just… complete. I also know more read throughs will show me little things I missed. I admit, as I read these, I was so focused in on learning what was going to happen or how they would unravel the situations the characters were in, I did so without looking up, barely at all, to the world around me. Next time, less rush and more savoring.

One Dark Window and Two Twisted Crowns are on my forever favorites shelf, lovely and waiting until I reread them again and again. If it helps, a few times a year I even dust my book shelves. That's some true love, right? They don't just sit up there and disappear into a blanket of dust. LOL! So, until then: Be wary. Be clever. Be good.



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