“Why?” This was a thrilling novel that had me putting myself in the character’s shoes to see if I thought I would make the same choices. I definitely wouldn’t have the guts for half of Isabel’s choices. This novel shifts perceptions of the various characters so the reader is able to experience what is happening all the time and not missing any details to put together the eternal question of “why.” I found this a fun way to present the story. Another change from the usual thrillers these days is that the author wrote the characters so that it was their past circumstances/motivation/who they are that is driving the story and the decisions made. It is not the characters acting and reacting to the plot that is driving them. This was a refreshing change and had me wanting to continue reading because it made the story more realistic.
This was definitely a exhilarating yarn of love, loss, and getting answers to the most basic question of why.
Cool!! Thanks for sharing Annie! I'm adding to my TBR list!