
WELCOME to the Small Book Blog! I am a voracious reader. I love losing myself in books and cannot wait to read myself into my next adventure. It is because of this love for books that I created this blog. I want to share my passion of books with you! I hope you enjoy my recommendations and reviews. My goal is that they will lead you to a new book, series or author, that you can fall in love with and recommend to others as well.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Sarah Beth Durst's The Spellshop

I love The Spellshop!!! It is a delightful fantasy novel. It took me by surprise how much joy and love reading this book gave me. It inspires interest, intrigue, and is somehow the best cozy comfort reading of discovering joy, hard work, and friendship. Unlike most fantasy novels that take you deep into the heart of turmoil, war, overthrowing the monarchies and governments, The Spellshop has the reader leaving the drama as we flee with Kiela (a talented librarian trying to rescue spell books from war and fire) and her trusty friend, Cass (her sentient, talking, and mobile spider plant). They need to start a new life away from the capital and protect the spell books they rescued. What follows is a journey Kiela didn’t know she needed or wanted, but she is such a lovely person, the townsfolk are unconditionally supportive and magic blooms on the remote island of her childhood. She starts out trying to hide away and just fake it until she makes it, but then she is reminded that the good in people shines bright and it’s okay to not be solely independent. We need people, and sometimes, you just need help. It’s okay! Keila blooms on the island as she discovers magic, catalogs her books, sells jam, and visits town where new friendships are blooming.

I was delighted with the almost adult Disney vibe of a strong female lead with her adorable sidekicks helping her along the way- Cass, the spider plant and Meep, the cactus. They are just adorable little creatures racing around and I loved picturing them in my mind. I absolutely recommend this enchanting novel. For those seeking romance, it also has romance, but of the Hallmark variety and just the right amount sprinkled in to make your heart sigh.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Deborah Harkness' The Black Bird Oracle

I love this 5th installment to the All Souls series! Secrets, mystery and magic surround us as we learn more of not just of the de Clairmonts and Bishops, but now the Proctors too! The black bird oracle as well as the Proctors and their ghosts, gives us uncanny insight into Diana’s and Matthew’s relationship and next steps between darkness, light and shadow. The three branches of family, past and present, will be caught in the goddess and Philippe’s plans. Readers are thrown into the history and lore of the Salem witch trials and the ripples felt today.

I love and adore Harkness’s blending of history and fiction so much. There were even a few moments I felt like I was watching Hermoine, with her extended family, and reading an alternate Harry Potter book if Voldemort had won. This was a long awaited installment for our libraries and I couldn’t be happier with it.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

L.J. Andrews' The Ever King & The Ever Queen

 The Ever King and The Ever Queen are a duology of the epic romance of the Serpent, Erik, and his Songbird, Livia, with fun support characters giving more depth and emotional connection to the stories. I appreciated that the support characters are not forgotten by the time you are done reading the 1st novel rather, they get more time with us. They were so fun to get to know! These books have non-stop action, adventure, revenge, curses, kidnappings, magic, stabbiness, romance and spice (the second book especially ups the spiciness game, Yowza!).             

I loved these 2 books (they are a duology, but the series continues with new lead couples) because I wasn’t ready to read a non-fantasy book but was getting burnt out of what turns into very similar basic fantasy storylines, so, getting to follow beautiful monsters that are pirates traveling above and below the sea was fantastic! The reader is introduced to different fae with magical abilities I haven’t seen for ages or at all. I will say, while I loved that the sea fae sang their magic, I was glad the author didn’t write out the lyrics… much like with Tolkien, I would probably just skim read those parts. By the second book, the author’s writing had really tightened up and it was a joy to travel through her words she was painting a whole world with.

I recommend The Ever Seas novels for my dear fantasy and romantasy readers. They are full of swashbuckling fun, riddled with hijinks, give us an exciting, forced proximity turn romance with magical connections and strong independent characters, legit pirate’s sword fighting, unique magic, and the mysteries woven through the text abound. Plus, it ends with a happily ever after. What more can you ask for these days?!  

Monday, June 17, 2024

K.A. Linde's The Wren in the Holly Library

The Wren in the Holly Library
is a fun fantasy adventure novel with forced proximity, enemies to lovers-ish, thievery, magic, betrayal, love, friendship, laughter and old feuds sparked anew. Monsters abound, trying to take over the cities, as we learn quickly that magic is real, but that it has remained hidden. What we read truly has grains of truth in the stories if you pay close attention. We are placed into an uncomplicated world of magic and monsters built in the real world (NYC), not exactly present day but dystopian. Kierse is a thief for hire who finds herself bound with and to Graves, a Warlock, to steal a powerful treasure that’s so hard to obtain, and alluring, she can’t say no. However, can Graves and Kierse find enough trust between them to pull off the heist? The author plays the question for a question game throughout the entire book, doling out info and secrets in small morsels, but it’s crafted well and not annoying as it moves you tantalizingly forward. It’s almost a game of flirtation I appreciated. I loved the mythology the author brought to life from Celtic and Druidic stories and mythology. There are twists and turns, more characters woven throughout the story and intersecting the main characters, story arcs and deceit than I imagined. I found myself thinking, but wait, there are more pages to go! What’s going to happen next?! I am very happy with this book and can’t wait to see what Kierse and Graves have in store for us next.

After reading the book and admiring the sprayed edges version I was able to obtain to read, I loved the sprayed book edges even more. We learn in the book that Graves' unique signature in his wards is hidden holly leaves wrapped within his magic codes. It’s like opening this book is breaking one of his wards or maybe he coded it to just allowing us in as the dear reader thirsting for more knowledge as he does?

For fans of Debrah Harkness’ A Discovery of Witches, this has excellent fan fiction vibes. I was a big fan of it when I picked up the thread a little ways into the novel. I remember being like, “OH! OH! That’s like Diana and Matthew!!!” Enjoy, as we wait impatiently for Harkness’ long awaited next installment, out in July 2024!

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Sarah A. Parker's When the Moon Hatched

‘“It’s a moon.” He frowns. “Then why a moon?” I cast my gaze forward again, tap-tap-tapping my foot to the soothing tune in my head. “Because they fall.” Even when you don’t want them to.'

I’m in love with this book!!!!! It was like a giant, juicy prequel to all the good, bad, sad, loving and violence that will be coming in the next book. I can’t wait! Given the amount of delicious pages (700ish!!!) we get to leap through I am shocked to say, I have so many more questions. Some were answered during our gentle and magnificent glide through the history and present information we need to know for the ensuing battles to come, but many more remain hidden in the realms and I can’t wait to discover them. 

The characters are kick ass and you want them to be redeemable and real, to cheer on their life or their death, the world is built up beautifully- the taste, smell, heat and frozen places of it, the people and places, it’s all written so wonderfully and vividly. I feel like the author has a room with maps and her created dictionaries of all the people, creatures, lineages, languages that we get at the beginning of the novel, although probably even more comprehensive, and she puts on her cloak, flips up her hood and soaks up the world around her as I have often imagined Tolkien doing during his ramblings. There is even elven language mixed into the dialogue that melts into the story as a Tolkien novel does. 

And the dragons…. As always they are to be cherished and loved. The connection between rider and dragon is different than other fantasy novels I have read. Some reviewers feel the connection is more similar to an Uber, but I think the bewitching is deeper than that. I am in love with the idea that when the dragons lose their person or it's time for their end, they try to fly into the sky and turn into a new moon for people to treasure and look up at. It's such a beautiful picture in my mind with the skies glowing from unique dragon moons. 

Now I’m off to stalk the authors pages and see when book 2 might make its debut.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

K.F. Breene's A Ruin of Roses

A Ruin of Roses
is a delicious and very sexy retelling of the story of Beauty and the Beast. I was worried stepping into the story that it would be boring or mundane as the base plot was already well known. I am a big fan of Disney movies- real & animated. Belle is the Disney princess I would want to be or try and be friends with. BUT! Back to the main topic- A Ruin of Roses - I really enjoyed this book and version of the story! It’s an enemies to lovers, forbidden love, emotional scars and redemption, injury, different worlds, riddled with magic and curses kinda book/series! The characters are, underneath the crass language and layers of curses, as lovely as Disney gave us. The beast is watching out for his people as much as he can to keep them safe as their defender against demons, he’s strong, selfless, a man of his word, intelligent and scarred. Finley, our Belle, is an outsider/nerd, intelligent, creative, loves books, a healer, beautiful, she’s strong, defends the people she loves and kick ass. Hadriel, one of the castle’s sidekicks, is a wonderful, grudgingly helpful, and funny character. As the series progresses, I think we will meet more of the castle characters to love and laugh with as the fight against the demon lord continues.

    This book is not for the faint of heart or someone who wants to clutch their pearls upon hearing very creative sexual kinks and actions. It is spicy, juicy, all levels of action I haven’t read very often (let alone even tried) and will leave you feeling faint, satisfied, or looking for your battery powered friend hidden in the nightstand drawer. Beyond that, as another heads up, the language is very crass. It’s consistent though, so you can get used to it rather than continually be pulled out of the story as sometimes happens.

    I didn’t realize this was a longer series so it ends with a rather huge cliffhanger that makes you want to yell at the characters “go! Get “them” go save them! Don’t just stay there!” Like a favorite show’s season finale is really the best way to explain it. Now I’m off to add to my book checkout A Throne of Ruin and see what happens next with Nyfain and Finley.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Legacy is a thrilling, motivational, romantic story. This is a reread for me and I chose Legacy to try and help motivate me to start moving as the winter is melting away into spring. I would like my extra weight and sad muscles to melt away and tone up. Help me Adrian and Lina! I really enjoy the layering in this story between the characters. It’s not just a current day forced proximity or meet cute. Raylan and Adrian meet as young kids, we get snippets of them growing up, entwining here and there, reconnecting later, but still with important windows into their individual lives and how they are where they are when the story truly begins and love blooms. Raylan has an entire life before really settling into the current day while Adrian has a giant career and life long stalker. The layering of relationships, especially with the grandparents, the many kinds of love shown throughout the novel, the family and friendships, the killers, the way to cute and funny dogs and the positive messaging to find joy in life just sucks me into this story. I wish I lived in town near everyone. I wanna be a friend and neighbor, come over for food, wine, workouts, and girl time!
    Nora Roberts might be a bit formulaic, but I love her formula. It rarely gets old 9it's a comfort really) and I have almost everything she writes as Nora Roberts. Her mysteries are believable, and you can almost see yourself as the heroine in the story. There are just enough twists and turns to keep you on the edge of your seat and wanting to know how everything will unfold and play out. She reminds you to be happy you aren’t the one being chased and stalked by evil! Roberts is always good for a dive into the darkness surrounding the killers but then she bobs out into the sun again so you can bask in the love blooming in the pages. Another thing I love about Nora Roberts is she tries to pick different professions to write the story around and in Legacy we get that spark of fun with the heroes, Adrian and Raylan. Adrian is a fitness guru and Raylan is a comic book illustrator and creator. So fun! I just want to go grab my sketch pad and draw, maybe paint, then later do some yoga to stretch out.

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Sarah J. Maas' House of Flame and Shadow

Bryce Quinlan: Better than Expected.  (Once you read this amazing book, you will laugh.) 

House of Flame and Shadow is freaking pulse pounding, thrilling, had me constantly on the edge of my seat, gifts us with a full (!!!!) cast ensemble, mates and romance are around most corners, keeps you thinking and wondering what the heck is going to happen next and how are they going to end the book and this series?! How are we, oops they, going to live through this!? “Through love, all is possible.” And Maas definitely loves us. I also really enjoyed all the crossovers to her other series…. Maas is so talented. No spoilers here but if you love Sarah J Maas and you have loved or enjoyed the Crescent City series- just read this beautiful monster of a novel. It is 100% worth it. Light it up! 

Now I need some bookish friends who have read and finished this book to go gush and spill the tea about ALL THE THINGS!!!!! THERE ARE SO MANY THINGS I need to talk about! Like, I got CHILLS when Hunt screams.... and what about Tharion Ketos?! And what seems to be a set up for ---- nope, stopping myself now.... 

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Books and Sharing- the Unpleasant Side


Today is another cold, ice slicked day, but at least the sun is shining. The ice is glittering as you try not to fall while penguin walking from your car to school and work. This had me thinking of bookstagram, and book reviews in general. I don't know why, it just did. I recently saw a bookstagram account I follow share their DNF (Did Not Finish) for 2023 and I remember thinking, “Wow! That is so bold to put that out there! How brave to share the unpleasant side of books.” As readers, we don’t love or even like some books and at times even detest or can’t finish a book for a multitude of reasons. Do you want to know if I didn’t like, didn’t finish a book, or had some other unpleasant feelings towards a book? It’s such an individual thing and the author and their team have put so much work into getting published and out into the world. Should I cushion my review and feelings of a book I didn’t enjoy with some positivity or just let it fly where I stand, when I share with you? I feel like I tend to do a sandwiching with bad or negative things, okay, confession, I literally do this with everything in my life… something positive, something negative or corrective, something positive. In taking up a position as a book blogger though- is that ok or is that enough? Is it a turnoff to read someone’s dislike or just if it happens periodically, as we know happens with inevitable book slumps?

For people who visit my blog and Insta often (thank you friends!), can you tell my tone and choice of words as to what my enthusiasm or position of a book might be, even if it’s not explicitly said? I do have shelves on Goodreads (happy to friend you there) that I will shelve books so I remember in the future how a book landed. Examples of the more unpleasant shelves are “can get annoying frustrating,” “never going to finish,” “once was enough,” “plan never to read,” and “started stopped might try again.”

What is the etiquette bloggers are wanting to set as their standard? What do you want to hear or know? I can share with you, that if I posted on a book and you wanted to know more or you read it and wanted to rant or rave, I would be so happy to dive in and gush or purge beyond my short opinion I posted! Talk books with me! LOL!